Laminated Foam 2017-11-17 09:16:38
Flame Lamination Agent UNION color stabilizer UHS-430LF is an additive for using in flexible urethane foam formulations to help retard foam discoloration and imp ...
Foam Lamination 2017-11-17 09:16:22
Flame Lamination Agent UNION color stabilizer UHS-430 is an additive for using in flexible urethane foam formulations to help retard foam discoloration and improve ...
Flame Lamination 2017-11-17 09:16:08
Flame Lamination Agent UNION-220LF is a flame lamination additive and low free phenol content for polyether-based flexible polyurethane foam and widely used in PU ...
Flame Laminating 2017-11-17 09:15:59
Flame Lamination Agent UNION-220 is a flame lamination additive, applied for polyether-based flexible PU foam and widely used in PU flame lamination Industry.  ...