suppliers in category of
Ceiling Tile
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Zowie Technology Co., Ltd. [Taiwan] ZOWIE Technology Corporation founded in1994 is a leading designer and manufacturer of advanced discrete semiconductor products. The inaugurators, Ding-Hua Hu and George Tai are the well-known leaders in the semiconductor field in Taiwan. Since there is no new significant progress in diode pr ... SEEK CHAIN INTERNATIONAL COSMETIC CO., LTD. [Taiwan] 「錫賢國際美容有限公司」 成立10年 創辦人-楊冬蓮 經營理念秉持著 善的文化、愛的事業 以健康是所有的基礎為目的 全方位能量乳霜 用生化科技最暢銷的產品系列被譽為「皮膚口服的化妝品」適用於全齡~ 屬於全身性皮膚的保養品 透由人體經皮吸收原理 基礎油將營養的植物萃取液 包覆成微脂粒溶入角質層、 進入真皮層、微血管經由血液循環全身3-5分鐘快速 吸收、活化、轉換、代謝。 來達到養生保健的功效 落實到每個家庭養生DIY 也幫很多人找回健康 此產品榮獲 美容養生保健台灣第一品牌 一直深獲客戶們的信賴與認同在市場佔有一席之地 優勢商機有~ 抗老回春商機、 ... HILLAM TOOL CO., LTD. [Taiwan] "Because you need it, we exist." Mechanical hardware sales are not purely buying and selling, but providing the service value that customers need, suggesting and providing suitable products, technical service support, instant troubleshooting, and ensuring a smooth production line for customers , ... Tai Yung Technology Co., Ltd. [Taiwan] In order to advance the technology of traditional refrigiration industry and be proactively involved in technology transformation, Tai Yung Tech. Co., Ltd has a forward-looking vision not only to stay ahead of latest international market trends but also invest enormous resources to introduce glo ... PHANSCO CO., LTD. [Taiwan] Phansco Co. Ltd. Was established in August, 2012, which was worked with a creative thinking and technology innovation. We are devoted to the real-time detecting and sensing application based on surface enhanced Raman spectroscopic technology. At first, Committed to the innovative application of ... SPACOWIN INTERNATIPNAL Co., LTD [Taiwan] Spacowin international Co., Ltd is the E-bike and E-bike kits consisting mainly of professional electric bicycle manufacturing company, founded in May 2008. Spacowin have a professional mechanical and electrical integration of manufacturing experience, Spacowin has a complete R & D, production ... DA YU FLOCK ADHESIVE CO., LTD. [Taiwan] DA YU FLOCK ADHESIVE CO., LTD. established in 1969. We adhere to product research and development, and to enhancing our products through design with advanced technologies. From handmade flock paper to higher variety products, we combine design development, automated machinery, and OEM services. ...
Our Service
We are manufacturers and exporters with the abundant experiences offering a wide variety of Ceiling Tile for our valued customers. We ensure to strictly check each product under the supervision of our quality controllers so that the entire range is developed at par with industry standards. We are committed to provide quality products to our clients and this has earned us a favorable reputation in the market, not only on the domestic front but has carried our reputation overseas also.