products in category of
Vacuum Tumbler
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Vacuum Tumblers 2016-04-20 16:25:20 Technical Data MT500 has 500L drum volume which allow user to load about250~300L marinate capacity each batch(depend the sort of meat). Thi ... [United States] Vacuum Tumbling Machine 2016-04-20 16:25:07 Technical Data MT300 was built in stainless steel machine construction include vacuum drum and machine body for easy cleaning and sanitation. This mode ... [United States] Vacuum Meat Tumbler 2016-04-20 16:25:02 Technical Data Vacuum tumbler was designed to reduce soaking time, change muscle tissue, enhance color and flavor, quality, texture, increase product yiel ... [United States]
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Our Service
We are the leading manufacturers providing a quality range of Vacuum Tumbler. Our company is backed by superior and advanced manufacturing techniques to offer impeccable quality products to our clients. Owing to our client centric approach, we offer quality products at industry leading prices and ensure to deliver the ordered consignments within the stipulated time frame. Good quality, reasonable price and the 5-Star service are guaranteed.