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Bullion Fringes, Curtain Trimmings, Upholstery, Haberdashery, fredzle - B79125

Bullion Fringes, Curtain Trimmings, Upholstery, Haberdashery, fredzle

Item No.: B79125
Supplier Details
Country: United Kingdom
State: Pembs
City: Cardigan
Address: Danrallt, Rhoshill
TEL: 44-0845-1297253
Fax: 44-0870-7468909
Online Showroom: 1 Products

Bullion Fringe, trimming, curtain accessories, posamenten, fransenborten, pasmanteria


model WPK – 80: size 80 mm

model WPO – 120: size 120 mm


MOQ: 10 meters per colour. 

Colours: 16 stock colours

Material: viscose rayon

Competitive price.


We are able to complete individual orders, big and small orders are welcome.


To get detailed information please write to passan or visit www


PASSAN - Polish haberdashery production company is present on the market since 1991. We deal with production of haberdashery decorative goods of knitting type from different materials. Our offer contains a wide range of:

- tassels

- tiebacks

- fringes

- braids

- gimps

- beaded trims

- metallic tapes

- fancy tapes

- pom poms

- cords

- strings

- elastic tapes

- floral ribbons

- cotton laces

- string curtains

- beads

We have been successful in establishing our brand and sale to the international market due to our excellent quality and service of

Bullion Fringes, Curtain Trimmings, Upholstery, Haberdashery, fredzle

. Delivering the best quality products conforming to the cultural needs of the client is the ultimate goal of us.