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buddha - SD84


Item No.: SD84
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
State: Taiwan (R.O.C.
City: Kaohsiung City
Address: No.242, Zhongzheng 2nd Rd., Xinxing Dist.
TEL: +886-7-2265068
Fax: +886-7-2265069
Online Showroom: 25 Products
Our production features following procedures different from other competitors, making us the top brand of gilded bronze statues.  Mentor’s craft: Each of our mentors possesses dozens years of experiences in the craft of gilded bronze statues.  Complete lines of statue molds: With those molds in stock and ready for use, we are able to produce any statue in the given time. Antioxidant processing: Dezincification: a process which selectively removes zinc from an alloy, leaving behind a porous, copper-rich structure that has little mechanical strength. It is a form of de-alloying where zinc from brass alloy gradually dissolves. Nickel and Chrome plating: Nickel plating/Chrome is the process of electrolytically depositing a layer of nickel/ onto a substrate. These nickel/chrome deposits are used to smooth and dull gray in appearance. Both bright and matte nickel offers an excellent degree of corrosion resistance. Interior antioxidation: interior of statue are also antioxidant processed to increase protection from erosion. Hand-gilding: artificially gilding the areas where can’t be plated directly. Painting: manually paint each statue using Nano-tech pigments.  
We have been successful in establishing our brand and sale to the international market due to our excellent quality and service of


. Delivering the best quality products conforming to the cultural needs of the client is the ultimate goal of us.