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Biopesticides - Uno-1 1 Carton


Item No.: Uno-1 1 Carton
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Kaoshiung City 833
Address: No.2-52, Songpu N. Ln., Niaosong Dist.
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Online Showroom: 33 Products
Uno-1, 3 in 1 Natural Plant Activity Enzyme (released in 2010)

Uno-1 3 in 1 Natural Plant Activity Enzyme®
Only non-toxic Uno-1 is able to control and eliminate plant pests and diseases, whilst also strengthening plants and protecting consumers from toxic pesticides.

The most advanced, safe, non-toxic, environmentally-friendly and efficient bio-technological product today.
Three kinds of functions in one product: plant growth, elimination of pests and diseases, prevention of pests and diseases.
Great applications in one product: suitable for any plant, suitable for any pests and diseases.
Highly-added value in one product: high working efficiency, high economic effectiveness, high benefit to health and environmental-protection.
Please follow our lead and use this advanced technology together with us!

DUNS Number: 657679569

Made in Taiwan
•Uno Fortune Inc. established in 1993 adopted G-protein as an effective ingredient in all of its fertilizers. The trademark 3 in 1 Natural MucilageOrganicFertilizer® wasregistered in 1994. In 2010 Uno-1, a 3 in 1 Natural Plant Activity Enzyme® containing Plant Activity Enzymes as effective ingredients was released on to the market.

Overview of Uno-1
◎The way of usage is simple, namely :
o to kill the pests by spraying on it : 500 fold dilution; one time every 3~5 days
o the disease will be cured only by root watering :500 fold dilution; one time every 3~5 days
o Keep maintenance ordinarily :  1000 fold dilution; one time every 5~10 days
◎Uno Fortune’s “3 in 1” products are divided into two categories: The 3 in 1 Natural Mucilage Organic Fertilizer (introduced since 1994), and 3 in 1 Natural Plant Activity Enzyme (introduced since 2010). Both products contain “Effective Formula G-protein”, allowing its demand from plants and animals being far exceeding the disease and pest damages, and the latter is added with “Plant Activity Enzymes” to enhance the effectiveness of “Effective Formula G-protein”. Currently, the newest product of 3 in 1 Natural Mucilage Organic Fertilizer is Nano-5, and that of 3 in 1 Natural Plant Activity Enzyme is Uno-1.

Uno-1 Molecule Localization
3 in 1 Natural Plant Activity Enzyme® is not just a fertilizer or a pesticide.  In addition, it is more powerful, precise and faster than any fertilizers or pesticides currently on the market.
1.Active ingredients, Plant Activity Enzymes: ATPase, β-glucosidase, α-glucosidase etc. help to strengthen the effective ingredient G-proteins and stimulate cytochemical reactions.
2.Active ingredients, G-proteins: glycoprotein, mucilage, dehydrogenase, etc. help to strengthen plant histochemistry.

Usage of Uno-1
The use of Uno-1 can plant growth, elimination of pests and diseases, prevention of pests and diseases (such as viruses, fungi, bacteria, fusarium spp., nematodes and the pathogens created by mutation); please combine “500~1000 Fold Dilution” and “A Simple Two Step Procedure” to reach the aim of sustainable non-toxic organic cultivation. The outbreak of pests and diseases causes high death rates and it is not only difficult but often time consuming to diagnose the exact cause of a disease; the symptoms of infected plants by pests or diseases are very complicated, they are often changing in color, rot, necroses, leaf spots, damping off, blight, shot holes, canker, wilt, distortion, ring spots, chloroses, falling leaves, rotting roots, ethylene causing rotting fruit, leaf curling, club root etc. Thus, keeping maintenance ordinarily with 500~1000 fold dilution one time every 5~10 days in order to decrease or prevent an outbreak rate of pests and diseases; in addition to prevent pests and disease, keeping maintenance ordinarily can also increase growth, reproduction, blooming and fruit production etc.; if pests and diseases are outbreaking, please apply Uno-1 with 500 fold dilution one time every 3~5 days in order to keeps the death rate of infection by pests and diseases to the lowest level.

Precautions of Uno-1
1.Please read carefully and comply fully with the instructions for using Uno-1.
2.Please spray Uno-1 onto the tops and undersides of leaves together with the roots of a single plant with 500 fold dilution once every 3 days, in order to understand the effect of Uno-1 as well as the plant’s adaptation. We will gladly replace or make a full refund (requirement: deducting shipping costs; weight of use is below 5%; the products are not contaminated) for any Uno-1 found to be defective within 7 days from your receipt of Uno-1; we cannot accept responsibility for the failure of usage where the instructions have not been fully followed.
3.All content from Uno Fortune Inc. including text and pictures remains the property of Uno Fortune Inc. and as such is protected by copyright. Any unauthorized copying and or use of the content belonging to Uno Fortune Inc. will be considered an infringement of copyright and liable to prosecution. We can not accept responsibility for any product that is not genuine and manufactured by Uno Fortune Inc.
4.Only dilute Uno-1 prior to use. For optimum effects, Uno-1 is best applied within 48 hrs of dilution. After 48 hrs particles in Uno-1 will begin reverting to their pre-treatment form.
5.The date of manufacture and the expiry date are on the lid. Uno-1 can be stored for 3 years if kept at room temperature and away from contaminations.
6.Do not add other chemicals, stickers, spreaders, or trace elements to Uno-1.
7.Human cells have benign reactions to Uno-1. When using it, you don’t have to put on any protection, but do NOT drink it, please.
8.Uno-1 can be used with a broad range of pH values, temperatures and in direct sunlight.
9.Uno-1 contains no pesticides, chemicals, antibiotics, heavy metals, or plant hormones. Thus, Uno-1 is your perfect LOHAS partners!
10.Uno-1 can be applied to drip irrigation system, non-pesticides management, the plants for export, home gardening, organic farms, and environmental protection etc. because of the broad spectrum of features of Uno-1. Uno-1 is worth to develop multiple applications.

Uno-1 is three kinds of functions in one product: plant growth, elimination of pests and diseases, prevention of pests and diseases. Thus, Uno-1 has the functions of biopesticides, and also has the functions of organic fertilizer, organic pest control, organic pesticides, bio fertilizer, bio pest control, organic insecticides, liquid organic fertilizer, best organic fertilizer, organic garden pest control, organic garden fertilizer, and drip irrigation fertilizer, ect.

These broad spectrum of features can be applied to drip irrigation system, non-pesticides management, the plants for export, home gardening, organic farms, and environmental protection, ect.

• Packaging
Quantity 1 kg 1.2 kg 1.8 kg 12 kg 20 kg
Packaging recyclable HDPE bottle 12 recyclable HDPE bottles of 100 g in one cardboard box 6 recyclable HDPE bottles of 300 g in one cardboard box 12 recyclable HDPE bottles of 1 kg in one cardboard box recyclable HDPE drum
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