Bigeye Tuna Saku
Item No.: | Saku |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Kaohsiung City 806
Address: 2F-11, No. 12, Fuxing 4th Rd, Qianzhen Dist.
TEL: +886-7-3381305
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34 Products
Scientific name: Thunnus obesus
English name: Bigeye Tuna
The frozen Bigeye Saku Tuna is predicted, making it perfect for poke sashimi. It is skinless, boneless and vacuum packed for maximum freshness. For healthy eating, Bigeye Saku Tuna is a wise choice. One 100 grams serving contains 100 calories, with 23 grams of protein to keep you going. You’ll also get a big dose of vitamin B, which helps your body produce energy efficiently.
1. Ingredient: Bigeye Tuna
2. Color: pink
3. Made in Tuna-House TAIWAN.
English name: Bigeye Tuna
The frozen Bigeye Saku Tuna is predicted, making it perfect for poke sashimi. It is skinless, boneless and vacuum packed for maximum freshness. For healthy eating, Bigeye Saku Tuna is a wise choice. One 100 grams serving contains 100 calories, with 23 grams of protein to keep you going. You’ll also get a big dose of vitamin B, which helps your body produce energy efficiently.
1. Ingredient: Bigeye Tuna
2. Color: pink
3. Made in Tuna-House TAIWAN.