Bigeye Tuna Belly
Item No.: | Belly |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Kaohsiung City 806
Address: 2F-11, No. 12, Fuxing 4th Rd, Qianzhen Dist.
TEL: +886-7-3381305
Fax: +886-7-3381253

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34 Products
Scientific name: Thunnus obesus
English name: Bigeye Tuna
The frozen Bigeye Tuna Belly is the highest grade sashimi grade. This skinless and boneless fish is delivered to you in a vacuum sealed package. It has Vitamin B6 and B12- along with omega-3 fatty acids and selenium. Eating this kind of healthy fish regularly will help lower you maintain healthy blood pressure, while lowering your tryglycerides.
1. Ingredient: Bigeye Tuna
2. Color: pink
3. Made in Tuna-House TAIWAN.
English name: Bigeye Tuna
The frozen Bigeye Tuna Belly is the highest grade sashimi grade. This skinless and boneless fish is delivered to you in a vacuum sealed package. It has Vitamin B6 and B12- along with omega-3 fatty acids and selenium. Eating this kind of healthy fish regularly will help lower you maintain healthy blood pressure, while lowering your tryglycerides.
1. Ingredient: Bigeye Tuna
2. Color: pink
3. Made in Tuna-House TAIWAN.