Bigeye Tuna
Item No.: | Tuna-8 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Kaohsiung City 806
Address: 2F-11, No. 12, Fuxing 4th Rd, Qianzhen Dist.
TEL: +886-7-3381305
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34 Products
Scientific name: Thunnus obesus
English name: Bigeye Tuna
Bigeye Otoro above came from the belly of the Bigeye Tuna. Otoro comes from the underside of the fish close to the head and chutoro comes from the belly in the middle and back of the fish. Otoro is a higher grade than chutoro. Taste wise both are delicious, but the otoro is a fatter cut giving it an almost ‘butter like’ quality and it goes down very smooth.
1. Ingredient: Bigeye Tuna
2. Color: pink
3. Made in Tuna-House TAIWAN.
English name: Bigeye Tuna
Bigeye Otoro above came from the belly of the Bigeye Tuna. Otoro comes from the underside of the fish close to the head and chutoro comes from the belly in the middle and back of the fish. Otoro is a higher grade than chutoro. Taste wise both are delicious, but the otoro is a fatter cut giving it an almost ‘butter like’ quality and it goes down very smooth.
1. Ingredient: Bigeye Tuna
2. Color: pink
3. Made in Tuna-House TAIWAN.