BGC-8052 (含Data Storage)
Item No.: | MP-Micro-8051-BGC-8052 |
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Country: Taiwan
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BGC-8052 (含Data Storage)
Part No:MP-Micro-8051-BGC-8052
Hardware Specification:
CPU: Intel 8032 or Compatible.
Clock: 11MHz on Board or External.
Two-Pass Assembler. Label is Assignable.
Communication Function: Upload/Download programs To / From External system.
8051/52 Assembler and Disassembler.
RS-232 Driver.
Internal Memory Display and Edit.
Keyboard Driver.
Program Memory Display, Edit, Fill, Move.
Printer Driver.
SFR register contents display, Rewrite.
LCD Driver.
Single Step program Execution.
BIOS Resume Driver.
Display: on board 40X2 LCD module.
E(E)PROM Programmer Driver.
Program Execution Control: Display/Edit internal & External memory & SFR Registers, Breakpoint setup, Multiple step execution & Skip subroutine execution are provided for program Debugging.
Built-in Experiment Program Samples:
1).4-digit counter.
2).Up/Down counter.
3).LED shifting.
4).Static scanning.
5).Shifted static scanning.
6).LCD display (I)
7).LCD display (II).
8).Dot matrix display (I).
9).Dot matrix display (II).
10).Versatile LEDs displaying
For more details, please go to our website:
Part No:MP-Micro-8051-BGC-8052
Hardware Specification:
CPU: Intel 8032 or Compatible.
Clock: 11MHz on Board or External.
Two-Pass Assembler. Label is Assignable.
Communication Function: Upload/Download programs To / From External system.
8051/52 Assembler and Disassembler.
RS-232 Driver.
Internal Memory Display and Edit.
Keyboard Driver.
Program Memory Display, Edit, Fill, Move.
Printer Driver.
SFR register contents display, Rewrite.
LCD Driver.
Single Step program Execution.
BIOS Resume Driver.
Display: on board 40X2 LCD module.
E(E)PROM Programmer Driver.
Program Execution Control: Display/Edit internal & External memory & SFR Registers, Breakpoint setup, Multiple step execution & Skip subroutine execution are provided for program Debugging.
Built-in Experiment Program Samples:
1).4-digit counter.
2).Up/Down counter.
3).LED shifting.
4).Static scanning.
5).Shifted static scanning.
6).LCD display (I)
7).LCD display (II).
8).Dot matrix display (I).
9).Dot matrix display (II).
10).Versatile LEDs displaying
For more details, please go to our website: