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Bamboo Charcoal Powder - BA - 03

Bamboo Charcoal Powder

Item No.: BA - 03
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: kaohsiung city 820
Address: no.,153 dade 1 road gangshan dist
TEL: +886-2-6224873
Fax: +886-2-6224875
Online Showroom: 77 Products
It is scientifically proved that it will produce PAHs, a likely carcinogens during the process of charcoal carbonization if air is in the kiln by soil kiln.  Our bamboo charcoal is produced in an electronically temperature controlled kiln which is hermetically sealed with zero oxygen at extremely high temperature over 800℃ to give an equally and thoroughly carbonized status and result in non-smoke, non-odor, non-stink and non- charcoal tar.
Inspection: Our bamboo charcoal is inspected by SGS Taiwan to prove free of heavy metal, charcoal tar and PAHs and quality-even, quality-stable. It is the only edible bamboo charcoal in the world.
Patents: The technical innovations of our bamboo charcoal carbonization are patented in Taiwan, Japan and China.
Contents: 30 gm per bottle
Origin: Taiwan

We have been successful in establishing our brand and sale to the international market due to our excellent quality and service of

Bamboo Charcoal Powder

. Delivering the best quality products conforming to the cultural needs of the client is the ultimate goal of us.