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Tissue Maker Machine - AN-42633E/4L~6L + AN-64320 + AN-83646A

Tissue Maker Machine

Item No.: AN-42633E/4L~6L + AN-64320 + AN-83646A
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: New Taipei City 24257
Address: No. 43, Jianguo 1st., Rd., Xinzhuang Dist.
TEL: +886-2-29085266
Fax: +886-2-29086355
Online Showroom: 51 Products
Automatic Facial Tissue Making Machine

Model No. AN-42633/3L + AN-42633E/3L AN-42633/4L + AN-42633E/4L AN-42633/5L + AN-42633E/5L AN-42633/6L + AN-42633E/6L
Sheet size

210(L) x 180~215(W)/mm

The width is adjustable at 5mm progressive changes. 

Folded size 105(L) x 180~215(W)/mm
Folding shape Interfold
Speed  (sheet/min.) 2400~3600 3200~4800 4000~5250 4800~6000
Varied by terms & conditions
Converting web 2-ply facial tissue, 13gsm~14.5gsm x 2 ply.
Jumbo roll width (mm) 540~645 720~860 900~1075 1080~1290
Jumbo roll stand 2 pcs
Jumbo roll dia.  1500mm φMax
Compressed air  Air source 6 kg/cm2

  1. With one unit of embossing device (only for AN-FE):
    Steel Roller x 2 pcs & Rubber Roller x 2 pcs
    It to be charged extra if the embossing pattern is special.
  2. With one set of air lifter for jumbo roll.
  3. Counting is by pneumatic right/left moving.
  4. The interfolded facial tissue paper is packed in the cardboard box, each drawing on the facial tissue paper will be of Pop-up Type for convenience.

  1. Steel to steel embosser: Steel Roller x 4 pcs
    Also could add Gluing laminination * 1 set
  2. Trimming knife.

Log Cutter for Hand Towel/Facial Tissue Making Machine
Model No. AN-FC
Cutting Speed 120 cuts/mm ( 200mm)
Delivery 1 (lane)
Cutting knife 610mm.
Control Human Machine Interface
Conveyor 2 pcs

Auto Paper Stacks Stuffing & Paper Box Gluing & Sealing Machine
Box size (A)200~260(L) x110~120(W) x 45 ~110(H)/mm (approx)
(B)140~190(L) x110~120(W) x 45 ~110(H)/mm (approx)
Card Board Box material (A) Box height below 80mm: 350 gsm
(B) Box height over 80mm: 400 gsm
Box pusher Extra long pushers are required if box height over 90mm
Adhesive material Mot Melt Glue
Speed (A)32-40 boxes/min. 
(B)35-40 boxes/min.
Heater 500W x 6 pcs
Air Consumption By  3~5 HP air compessor (Excluding in quotation). 

  1. Cylinder to push forward Stack of finished boxes.
  2. Automatic stop when paper box be in jam.
    Please contact us if request in different size and specifications.
    To fold flap of paper box and guiding box to standby position for sizing.
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Tissue Maker Machine

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