Top Gunner Arcade
Item No.: | Top Gunner STD |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: New Taipei City 236
Address: 48,Yongping Street, Tucheng District
TEL: +886-2-22676317
Fax: +886-2-22675906

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Arcade Game
•Signature Machine Guns: 2 Force Feedbacks & Duo Grips
•Eye-Catching flashing LEDs
Place to use:Indoor Game Room / FEC / Shopping Mall / Theme Park
Color:Standard Color
Game Intro:
Top Guneer is a new generation of shooting arcade game from Injoy Motion. This arcade game is adapted from a piece of WWII history.
In the year of 1944, days before the German troops were shifted around, a secret agent reported that the German troop were reluctant to surrender because they held secret weapon. In order to detect that reality of the report existed, the Allies assigned a special team. They sneaked into the heart of Germany, and started to execute the mission. Things went smoothly in the beginning, but they fell into ambush. It came with numbers of aircrafts and warships. The special team doubt if they can break the siege and survive the mission.
The arcade game is equipped with Injoy Motion signature machine guns. Our own designed guns have two force feedbacks which offer a unique feel and recoil on every shot. The true-to-life feelings will bring players into the story environment and play repeatedly.
For more arcade game information, please feel free to contact with us.
•Signature Machine Guns: 2 Force Feedbacks & Duo Grips
•Eye-Catching flashing LEDs
Place to use:Indoor Game Room / FEC / Shopping Mall / Theme Park
Single(STD) | W: 145 cm, D: 107 cm, H: 205 cm |
Game Intro:
Top Guneer is a new generation of shooting arcade game from Injoy Motion. This arcade game is adapted from a piece of WWII history.
In the year of 1944, days before the German troops were shifted around, a secret agent reported that the German troop were reluctant to surrender because they held secret weapon. In order to detect that reality of the report existed, the Allies assigned a special team. They sneaked into the heart of Germany, and started to execute the mission. Things went smoothly in the beginning, but they fell into ambush. It came with numbers of aircrafts and warships. The special team doubt if they can break the siege and survive the mission.
The arcade game is equipped with Injoy Motion signature machine guns. Our own designed guns have two force feedbacks which offer a unique feel and recoil on every shot. The true-to-life feelings will bring players into the story environment and play repeatedly.
For more arcade game information, please feel free to contact with us.