Mobile Phone Fingerprint Security
Item No.: | Security Solutions_1 |
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Android & PC Fingerprint Encryption Key
Use fingerprint identification and security chip brings you the most safety mobile application and also makes your mobile device has extra memory. It supports data encryption/decryption and transmission for cross-OS (Android and Windows).
The fingerprint identification can be a protection for the storage of Android & PC Encryption Key. Users cannot open the disk if the Key identify incorrect fingerprint, so the privacy that users saved in the Key is totally safe.
With secure chip, any file and data of Windows PC and Android phone can be encrypted/decrypted. The files will be protected after be encrypted, so users can safely share to other people or upload to cloud storage. Besides, use the specific secure Apps, users can encrypt the email, reminder, or recording, etc.
Use fingerprint identification and security chip brings you the most safety mobile application and also makes your mobile device has extra memory. It supports data encryption/decryption and transmission for cross-OS (Android and Windows).
The fingerprint identification can be a protection for the storage of Android & PC Encryption Key. Users cannot open the disk if the Key identify incorrect fingerprint, so the privacy that users saved in the Key is totally safe.
With secure chip, any file and data of Windows PC and Android phone can be encrypted/decrypted. The files will be protected after be encrypted, so users can safely share to other people or upload to cloud storage. Besides, use the specific secure Apps, users can encrypt the email, reminder, or recording, etc.