Metal Target
Item No.: | ST33 |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: HsinChu
Address: No.16, Ln.727, Sec.2, Yen-ping Road
TEL: +886-03-5304953
Fax: +886-03-5362817

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39 Products
ZnAl target
From standard, single element materials to custom compounds, small circular to multi-tile and stepped constructions, commercial grade to ultra-high purities, Angstrom Sciences provides the highest quality magnetron sputtering target materials.
Zn/Al 98:2 target
Application: protect film
Customization specification
From standard, single element materials to custom compounds, small circular to multi-tile and stepped constructions, commercial grade to ultra-high purities, Angstrom Sciences provides the highest quality magnetron sputtering target materials.
Zn/Al 98:2 target
Application: protect film
Customization specification