3.5mm series
Item No.: | 3.5mm series |
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
State: Taiwan
City: Tainan
Address: No.82 Muchang, Sinhua Dist, Tainan City, R.O.C.
TEL: +886-6-5911434
Fax: +886-6-5912461

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The 3.5mm series was designed with highly rugged physical interfaces in mind that can mate with SMA dimensions, allowing thousands of repeatable connections. The performance is up to 34 GHz.
The outer Contact ID is 3.5 mm, and OD is 4.55 mm. The 3.5mm series is compatible with 2.92mrn and SMA series. When mated with SMA and other precision SMA type connectors the performance is limited by the connector with lesser performance.
The 3.5mm series was designed with highly rugged physical interfaces in mind that can mate with SMA dimensions, allowing thousands of repeatable connections. The performance is up to 34 GHz.
The outer Contact ID is 3.5 mm, and OD is 4.55 mm. The 3.5mm series is compatible with 2.92mrn and SMA series. When mated with SMA and other precision SMA type connectors the performance is limited by the connector with lesser performance.