雙曲軸沖床、滑塊寬度較大的大型沖床等,模具偏移的使用和作業開始時模具荷載不安定的情形下,會產生偏心單側負載的情形。 對應這樣的偏心荷重,本公司的偏心荷重對應型(Model PV/PW)具有各自獨立對應過載油室,只要單側油室發生過負載的情形,以迅速的反應及高準確度將兩方的油室瞬間開放來防止沖床的過負荷。 機種齊全:從25噸C型沖床到2000噸超大型沖床均有適合的規格供選擇。 具備小體積、大流量、反應快、精度高等優勢,深獲各界好評。 由於產品品質穩定,更獲得亞洲各大沖床製造廠持續採用。於沖床單側發生過載負荷油壓上升時,油壓不會從過載油室流向其他油室,因此即使單邊發生過負載,此過載保護系統也能及時作動,兩邊油室同時開放洩壓。
We provide precision and accuracy to give a better environment.
Since 1983, our company has provided service . We provide Over Load Protection Device and other component equipment for press machines, plastic injection machines, and Work Clamping System (WCS) for machine centers and industrial machines.
It is our honor to provide our clients with the best and safest working environment. We're working to improve our quality in every step of the way, to give the standard that meets our clients' needs. We hope to give our clients the top quality, highest technology and the "know how" for efficiency at a reasonable cost.
Like a building, a successful company requires a good foundation that keeps standing. At Full Life, we strongly believe in giving our clients what they need. We find competition among ourselves to improve in every way, and maintaining a lower cost of production.
Our changing for improvement is the "life" that comes from the name, Full Life. Our goal is customer satisfaction, and our competition is to make sure we're working to bring you the best. We look forward to working with you in the near future.