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Mattress Packing Machine - SA-29H

Mattress Packing Machine

Item No.: SA-29H
Supplier Details
Country: Taiwan
City: Taipei City
Address: 10F., No.200, Sec. 2, Jinshan S. Rd., Da’an Dist.
TEL: +886-2-23956686
Fax: +886-2-23217266
Online Showroom: 48 Products
Heavy duty auto mattress roll packing machine
  1. Open cell, low recovery and latex foam mattress rolling & packing process.
  2. Auto mattress rolling machine is specially designed to roll up the foam mattresses and pack them into plastic bags.
  3. After being rolled up, the mattress’s volume will be minimized. Thus the transportation becomes much easier and the transportation charge will be much less.
  4. This fabulous machine is divided into three main units: rolling unit, material feeding conveyor unit and control unit.
  5. Then the operator can put the finished product of foam mattress on the material feeding conveyor. Start the conveyor to automatically compress the foam mattress into a roll.
  6. Insert a plastic bag at product feed out exit, the compressed mattress roll will be automatically packed into the plastic bag. Seal the plastic bag to finish a whole working cycle.

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Mattress Packing Machine

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