同型號同預壓只要校正一次!! 數據存檔後,以後不必再校正,只須傳入數據即可。經年累月後也不必做定期校正的作業 精度±5% 且不受機台溫度變化影響,超上限、超下限、左右不平衡、信號出力支援單點、2點、4點、單點模組。 只要將感測器接到超載油壓缸、就可監測沖床的沖壓負荷。除了能使沖床的能力發揮到極限、也可檢測材料的誤差・以及模具因磨耗所產生的負荷變化、容易預測維修時機、生產品質也更加安定、對沖壓品的品質管理有相當大的助益。
We provide precision and accuracy to give a better environment.
Since 1983, our company has provided service . We provide Over Load Protection Device and other component equipment for press machines, plastic injection machines, and Work Clamping System (WCS) for machine centers and industrial machines.
It is our honor to provide our clients with the best and safest working environment. We're working to improve our quality in every step of the way, to give the standard that meets our clients' needs. We hope to give our clients the top quality, highest technology and the "know how" for efficiency at a reasonable cost.
Like a building, a successful company requires a good foundation that keeps standing. At Full Life, we strongly believe in giving our clients what they need. We find competition among ourselves to improve in every way, and maintaining a lower cost of production.
Our changing for improvement is the "life" that comes from the name, Full Life. Our goal is customer satisfaction, and our competition is to make sure we're working to bring you the best. We look forward to working with you in the near future.